Adelaide Golden Era Air Races

The Adelaide Golden Era Air Races were a bi-annual event that is held in South Australia.  The Event attracted entrants from all over Australia who traveled and brought their “Golden Era” RC Aircraft with them to compete in the event.

The General Rules were;

The Adelaide Golden Era Air Races have 5 classes:

  • AT6 TEXAN and 30cc Warbirds

AT6 TEXAN and 30cc Warbirds class ensures close racing, with 20cc engines limited to Webra, GMS, Magnum, Thunder Tiger, Moki, OS 120 AX, OS 120 AX Pylon Special. All Aircraft are based on (but not limited to) the 83″ wingspan Midwest Kit.

GOLDEN ERA class is for Scale models based on Aircraft that raced or were intended to race between WWI and WWII. Engines can be up to 100cc with 2.5lb per 10cc Power loading with 156″ air frame minimum. There are 2 sub-classes for Golden Era – Inline and Radial engine types.

RENO UNLIMITED class is for any single or multi engine fighter that flew combat in WWII or competed in the Unlimited Class at Reno National Championship races. Minimum wingspan of 84″ and any 62cc Engine.

FORMULA 1 class is for aircraft that flew in Formula 1, Goodyear and Sport Biplane up to and including 1977. Minimum wingspan is 80″ and maximum 90″ for monoplanes and minimum 70″ for biplanes with no maximum span. Maximum engine size has been set at 56cc. A full set of rules is now available.

All Pilots must have held M.A.A.A Gold Wings proficiency and all aircraft must have a valid M.A.A.A Permit to Fly, irrespective of aircraft weight.

Check out this slide show from the 2013 Races.

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